Legal Notice

Jonas Eisert
Marchgrabenplatz 5
80805 München
Tax number: 9144/217/60897
+49 89 38030154
[email protected]


This website and the information contained within are subject to continual, careful review and are updated regularly. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information. This is particularly applicable to direct or indirect links to other websites. Despite careful inspection of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links.

The sole responsibility for the content of linked website pages lies with the operators of those pages. If you have any suggestions regarding our site or find an error, please notify us by e-mail.

No warning without previous contact!

We have put extensive effort into creating this website in accordance with any and all legal requirements. However, should anyone notice that something important is missing, that third-party rights have been violated, that legal provisions have not been fully implemented, or that competition regulations have not been adhered to, we kindly request a fast, free and sufficiently explanatory message, as per § 12 para. 1 of the UWG (Unfair Competition Act).

We guarantee that justifiably disputed passages or parts of this website will be removed within a reasonable period or that they will be amended to ensure that they comply with the legal requirements, without any need to involve a lawyer. Involving a lawyer to demand compensation through litigation of the website operator does not correspond to the actual or presumed intention of the operator. Therefore, this would be a violation of § 8 para. 4 UWG (Unfair Competition Act) due to the pursuit of irrelevant aims being the dominant motivation for initiating proceedings. This is particularly true when the aim of imposing a fee is the primary motivation. It is also a violation of the duty of mitigation.


Call us! One of our specialists is available to answer all your questions and can provide you with a free-of-charge, 20-minute consultation!

[email protected]

+49 157 359 849 16
